Rev. Dr. Michael A. Henson

Our Pastor

Rev. Dr. Michael A. Henson is committed to serving God, family, his church and the community at large. He is honored and blessed to be serving Jerusalem Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church (JTMBC) as the Pastor since August 2018. Rev. Henson is the eldest of eight children of the late Elders’ Benjamin and Rosabelle Conley, and is a native of Columbus, Ohio. He also accepted his call to preach while a junior at Columbus West High School. Subsequently, he served at St. Mark AMEC under the tutelage of the late Pastor Louise Harris. As a minister, his parents planted the seeds within his spirit “to study to show thyself approved unto God” as well as NEVER forget that first and foremost, the Holy Spirit is the True Teacher.

As a result...

of their advice and training, Rev. Henson earned a Bachelors of Arts degree in Human Development and Social Relations from Earlham College, located in Richmond, Indiana. Next, he received a Master of Divinity degree from Howard University, located in Washington, D.C. Then, Rev. Henson obtained a Master of Sacred Theology degree from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Later, he graduated from Capella University in Minneapolis, Minnesota with a Master of Counseling degree. Finally, Rev. Henson matriculated from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio with a Doctor of Ministry degree.

A hallmark of his ministry…

has been a youth basketball ministry, which was an effective and successful response to Washington, D.C. being labeled the “murder capital of America.” This basketball ministry began with 90 young people in 1992 and concluded with over 1,100 youth, 400 men and 200 women in 2005, when Dr. Henson relocated to Alabama to begin his pastoral ministry for eight (8) years.

In addition, Rev. Henson has an extensive track record in church growth and spiritual development. Now for those of you who want to know if Dr. Henson is an “Ambassador of God,” then this information is for you. Rev. Henson says he is “sold-out for Christ; he has a passion to see God’s children live “ life more abundantly;” and he is a child of the King.” Lastly, Dr. Henson’s favorite scripture that carries him through all of life’s circumstances is,“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV)

Church History

“Look how far He has brought us”

Jerusalem Tabernacle Baptist Church began in a store front church located at 471 N. 20th Street under the Pastorship of Irvin R. Witcher on November 2, 1954.  The 21st chapter of Revelation, vs 1-3 was the inspiration for Pastor Witcher in selecting Jerusalem Tabernacle as the church name.   Soon thereafter the church moved to 1028 Leonard Avenue and remained there until 1960.  Where Jerusalem Tabernacle began worship services in the Leonard Avenue School. The church began to grow and in 1961 we moved to 834 Taylor Avenue and remained there for 5 years. 

From 1967 until 1969, we were blessed to broadcast worship services from the WVKO Radio station which allowed us to outreach to many in the Columbus area. 

In 1971, we moved into our newly completed church and the Dedication Service took place on Easter Sunday Morning.  Pastor and Sister Witcher’s long awaited dream had come true as they beheld our beautiful church edifice.  From 1975 until 1977, Jerusalem Tabernacle’s worship services were broadcast on WCOL FM radio.  And in 1981, Pastor Witcher appeared on channel 51 (WSFJ) The Christian TV station for Central Ohio. 

In 1989, the church mortgage was burned and the cornerstone was set.  Our Bob & Annie Fellowship Hall was dedicated in memory of Robert (Bob) Cody and Annie Hogg, members who fought a good fight and who kept the faith.  A sound room was added and the property adjacent to our building was purchased to add a parking lot.  We also added to our office a copy machine and computer, purchased a new stove, refrigerator and dining room tables.  A Van Ministry was established to provide transportation. Under Pastor Witcher, Jerusalem Tabernacle joined the Mount Calvary Association and the Hattie Witcher Scholarship Fund was established.

A New Century

Pastor Witcher was called home on November 25, 2000, and Jerusalem Tabernacle was without a pastor until July 2003 when Bishop Hill was called to pastor Jerusalem Tabernacle.  Bishop Hill resigned as pastor of Jerusalem Tabernacle in February 2004. The church then called Rev. Richard Nathaniel Kemper, Sr., in February 2004.  In August 2004, Jerusalem Tabernacle elected Rev. Kemper, from the Good Samaritan Baptist Church, to serve as its 3rd pastor.  Pastor Kemper has established bi-monthly leadership sessions and weekly meetings with Ministers and Deacons in preparation for Ordination and on-going teachings for each ministry.  Under Pastor Kemper the church purchased new office equipment and established an email address for the church. 

Pastor Kemper was ordained a Bishop by the International Annointed Ministries (IAM) in June 2008.

In 2009, JTMBC started monthly Soup Kitchen operations to help those within our community that are in need of food and clothing – which by the Grace of GOD continues today. 

During 2010 - 2011 the past several years GOD has increased our Ministerial Staff. Sister Lushunya Wallace was appointed to the Deaconess Board. Our “Rock Up Top” club was formed to encourage our students to pursue excellence.

During 2014 the church was blessed to replace both the Central Air and heating systems; to enhance the church lobby with new flooring and furniture; we replaced the refrigerator; our office equipment was upgraded with a new pc and printer. 

A New Building

January 9, 2016, a vote was taken and the majority voted (14 to 2) to sell our building and relocate to another area where we anticipate growth in our membership. On December 3, 2016 JTMBC ordained its first female preacher, Reverend Alice Butts.

JTMBC sold 560 Taylor Ave. on January 31, 2017, but remained in said location until October 15, 2017.

October 28, 2017, 1st Lady Kemper was ordained at the Good Samaritan Baptist Church by Bishop Kemper’s Pastor, Reverend Arnold Randolph and a committee consisting of Dr. Johannes Christian, Reverends’ Payne and Woods.

Our first worship service in our new home was on November 5, 2017.  Our beloved Bishop Kemper was called from labor to reward on November 6 after an extended illness.  Bishop saw our new home in spirit only.

A Pulpit Committee

A Pulpit Committee consisting of Minister Terry Brown, Evangelist Carolyn Reynolds, Sisters’ Dorothy Fountain, Linda Page, Deanna Rhynehardt, Pricilla Rhynehardt & Anitra Hale was formed to replace Bishop Kemper as pastor.  Dr. Michael A. Henson was selected as JTMBC’s next pastor – his installation service was held on September 23, 2018.

Under Reverend Henson’s leadership Discipleship Training Sessions have been introduced to prepare members for the work of Kingdom building.  Pastor organized the men for a walk thru our community introducing JTMBC and our services.  Pastor also instituted our 3rd Sunday Friends & Family Fellowship potlucks and our Friday nights out with Pastor for a movie and pizza.

JTMBC held remote Sunday Worship services from March 2020 thru August 2021 due to the COVID Pandemic.  We returned to our Sanctuary on August 1, 2021.  Remote Bible Study continues as of November 2021.

Deacon-in-training Tony Tyler and his brother installed our cornerstone into the foundation of our new facility and Pastor Henson conducted a dedication service on November 21, 2021.

We would like to honor those who have toiled in this ministry and been called from labor to reward with a moment of silence. 

Jerusalem acknowledges the contributions, services and dedication of all of its membership.   It is you who make our Church what it is!   Jerusalem has grown numerically and spiritually under Pastor Henson.  We are One in the Spirit, United for Christ, On Fire for the LORD!!  Jerusalem stands on a hill and our prayers are that we will continue to be a Light for Christ on this corner.

Jerusalem Tabernacle Church Vision

The vision for the Jerusalem Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church is for the members to transform into disciples of Christ so that they can live life more abundantly; live a victorious life; and live an overcoming life.

The word of God states: “I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what He will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.”

And the Lord answered me, and said, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end of it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

(Habakkak 2:1-3)

Jerusalem Tabernacle Church Mission Statement

The mission of the Jerusalem Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church is to make disciples of ALL people by spreading the liberating Gospel of Jesus Christ through the word of God as well as through the work of ministries to meet their spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual needs.

Jesus announced His mission statement as follows, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach be acceptable year of the Lord”

(Luke 4:18-19)


The Christian Church whether large or small, is ALWAYS in need of ministries as indicated in the word of God as spoken by Jesus…”The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Mt 9:37)

We invite you to come share and utilize your God given gifts, skills, talents, and goodwill within our church family and the community at large. Our ministries are designed to combat or provide comfort from the many challenging personal issues facing God’s people. Several of our ministries are the nurses corp, pantry, hospitality, culinary, liturgical dance, youth missions, nursery and community outreach to list a few.

With a commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who taught us how to serve God and love people, Jerusalem Tabernacle is dedicated to the ways and means of Jesus Christ. We provide a warm family atmosphere, and the extension of love and grace offered to all persons from all walks of life. Again, there are other activities that serve the spiritual, physical, educational, and emotional needs of all age groups, for the young and the not so young.